Dave Elman Certified Hypnotherapy

Are you ready to take your hypnosis practice to the highest level?

Would you like to be counted among the best of the best in the profession?

Then, certification certified by the Dave Elman Hypnosis Institute is the way to go!

Elman training is and the Elman Induction, with regression methods are unquestionably the most powerful tools available to the hypnosis professional. Nothing gets you more respect than saying you are Elman trained. Contemporaries respect, or envious of, Elman Consulting Hypnotists and their able to find the root cause of the issue so quickly, or as completely - as age regression hypnosis and parts therapy are done correctly.

Other basic and entry level hypnosis certification courses simply spend time writing scripts and not much time teaching Elman’s most powerful tools, in fact, they usually receive only a brief mention. They say new students are simply not ready for this kind of advanced training, yet Elman trained doctors and dentists from their inception on these “advanced techniques, so we know you can learn them also.

Now is the time for you to take this next step in your professional development because Beryl Comar, the highly recognized authority in use of Elman hypnotic age regression work (over 30 years using these techniques) is teaching this very special Certification course in Kuala Lumpur. With multiple demonstrations, case studies and plenty of practice and homework, it covers everything you need to know to be among the best in the world.

Former school principal Beryl (from Manchester UK & 46 years’ experience living in Africa and Middle East) has taught this course all over the world, and is teaching this course in KL because people in Asia have begged her to do it, even those already certified hypnotists! She is recognised by National Guild of Hypnotists USA as the best of the best in teaching style (Hallmark Award 2014) and inducted into their hall of fame (Order of the Braid 210) and was keynote speaker at The Elman Convention 2024.

This certification from Dave Elman Hypnosis Institute can also gain you certification with NGH, and if taken following the NFNLP Practitioner course will gain you certification as a Neurolinguistic Hypnotherapist.

This certification is a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) opportunity for the Association of Hypnotherapy Practitioners Malaysia (AHPM) members.

Dave Elman certified hypnotherapy

Course Units

Beginners - Intermediate Hypnosis Training

Beginners + Intermediate + Advance
(9 days + 2 online review)

Curriculum includes:

  • History of Hypnosis
  • Nature of Hypnosis
  • Suggestibility Testing
  • Hypnotic Rules of the Mind
  • Role of the Conscious & Subconscious Minds
  • Pre-Induction Interview
  • Establishing Clients' Goals
  • Classic Induction Techniques
  • Instant and Rapid Induaction Demonstrations & Techniques
  • Trance Deepening Demonstrations
  • Measuring Responsiveness and Trance Depth
  • Trance Management
  • Dealing With and Overcoming Resistance
  • Conditioned Response Training
  • Semantics of Hypnotism
  • Avoiding Use of Leading Questions
  • Structuring Successful Positive Suggestions
  • Self Hypnosis Demonstrations
  • Teaching Self Hypnosis to Clients
  • Developing Hypnotic Rapport
Advanced Hypnosis Training

For Certified Consulting Hypnotherepists
Advanced Hypnosis Training Course: 4 days

Curriculum includes:

  • Hypnoanalysis vs Psychoanalysis
  • Pre-Talk Analysis
  • Advanced Induction Techniques
  • Advanced Rapid and Instant Inductions Demonstrated
  • Abreaction Hypnotherapy
  • Age Regression Demonstrations & Techniques
  • Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy Demonstration
  • Uncovering Techniques
  • Gestalt Hypnotherapy
  • Parts Therapy Demonstrated
  • Chair Therapy
  • Death Bed Therapy
  • Transformational Therapies
  • Quit Smoking Demonstration
  • Overview of HypnoFertility & Hypnobirthing
  • Advanced Pain Techniques
  • Working with Doctors & Dentists
  • Working on VOIP/Zoom
  • Marketing Techniques
  • Course and Participant Assessment

A career in Hypnotherapy is a job like no other

Consulting Dave Elman Hypnotherapist

Most people are curious and fascinated by Hypnosis. It is all over the TV, on the radio and in major news publications. This is a profession that is in high demand, and is very rewarding. People who are suited for this work are creative, intelligent, have a desire to help others, and get great satisfaction from being an inspiration.

Hypnotherapists who have trained with Beryl Comar feel that the training has made a major change in their life. It has helped them to release bad habits, create a more powerful attitude, increase their confidence and heal issues from the past – for themselves and others they work with.

Many learn to have a hobby or for further education. Many more now work with clients privately, or do group work for corporations (eg confidence, motivation, presentations & sales), help kids overcome fears, enhance athletes’ abilities, teach self-hypnosis to groups or just work with the friends and family they love. One is famous stage hypnotist. Two are running a company using NLP and hypnosis techniques for orators. The possibilities are almost endless. Many hypnotists work with doctors and dentists to relieve fears and anxiety about illness or procedures. Others combine hypnotherapy with other therapies such as reiki, kinesiology, psychology and life coaching. Some work in hospitals and emergency rooms because Beryl wrote a renowned book on HypnoDontics, consequently travelling globally to train dental practitioners.

When you attend a certification training you will become certified as a Consulting Dave Elman Hypnotherapist and you will be ready to discover your talents and specialty and begin seeing clients. Hypnotherapists earn anywhere from $60-$500 a session for their work. You will continue to learn, study, and become more educated in the hypnosis field. You can attend fascinating conventions, join the practice groups run by Beryl in your area, and open up an entirely new way of thinking.

Aren’t you curious to know these techniques – and there’s only one training this year so don’t miss out.

About Instructor

Beryl Comar

Beryl Comar

Upcoming Training Details

Training Name Date Time Venue
Dave Elman Certified Hypnotherapy Training - Basic, Intermediate & Advance (9 days + 2 online review) 02-12 November 2024
9 am - 5 pm B-10-1, Northpoint, Mid Valley City
No. 1, Medan Syed Putra
59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Dave Elman Hypnotherpist Advance Certification (Advance - 4 days) 09-12 November 2024
9 am - 5 pm B-10-1, Northpoint, Mid Valley City
No. 1, Medan Syed Putra
59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

  • Health Essentials Asia reserves the right to change schedule/venue of event whenever deemed necessary.

Training Name Normal Registration Early Bird Discount
Dave Elman Certified Hypnotherapy Training - Basic, Intermediate & Advance (9 days + 2 online review) MYR 16,000 MYR 13,500
Dave Elman Hypnotherpist Advance Certification (Advance - 4 days) MYR 8,000 MYR 6,500
  • Early Bird Discount : Registration with payment before 30-09-2024
  • No cancellation; but we allow substitution if you are unable to attend.