Then, certification certified by the Dave Elman Hypnosis Institute is the way to go!
Elman training is and the Elman Induction, with regression methods are unquestionably the most powerful tools available to the hypnosis professional. Nothing gets you more respect than saying you are Elman trained. Contemporaries respect, or envious of, Elman Consulting Hypnotists and their able to find the root cause of the issue so quickly, or as completely - as age regression hypnosis and parts therapy are done correctly.
Other basic and entry level hypnosis certification courses simply spend time writing scripts and not much time teaching Elman’s most powerful tools, in fact, they usually receive only a brief mention. They say new students are simply not ready for this kind of advanced training, yet Elman trained doctors and dentists from their inception on these “advanced techniques, so we know you can learn them also.
Now is the time for you to take this next step in your professional development because Beryl Comar, the highly recognized authority in use of Elman hypnotic age regression work (over 30 years using these techniques) is teaching this very special Certification course in Kuala Lumpur. With multiple demonstrations, case studies and plenty of practice and homework, it covers everything you need to know to be among the best in the world.
Former school principal Beryl (from Manchester UK & 46 years’ experience living in Africa and Middle East) has taught this course all over the world, and is teaching this course in KL because people in Asia have begged her to do it, even those already certified hypnotists! She is recognised by National Guild of Hypnotists USA as the best of the best in teaching style (Hallmark Award 2014) and inducted into their hall of fame (Order of the Braid 210) and was keynote speaker at The Elman Convention 2024.
This certification from Dave Elman Hypnosis Institute can also gain you certification with NGH, and if taken following the NFNLP Practitioner course will gain you certification as a Neurolinguistic Hypnotherapist.
This certification is a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) opportunity for the Association of Hypnotherapy Practitioners Malaysia (AHPM) members.