"> Hypnotherapy service in Malaysia


Are you facing any of the following challenges?
If you are looking to understand yourself better, we can help you in many beneficial ways:

hypnosis for stress management

Stress related problems such as:

  • Insomnia
  • Migraine
  • Nervous ticks/ Inability to relax
  • Immune system diseases
  • High blood pressure
  • Cancer

hypnotherapy for stress

Stress inducing problems such as:

  • Relationship problems and issues
  • Career and workplace related issues
  • Child development and effective parenting
  • Coping with grief and loss
  • Pre and post surgical stress
  • Diabetes
  • Heart problems

hypnotherapy treatment

Psychosomatic diseases and ailments:

  • All general psychosomatic diseases and ailments
  • Skin disorder
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Lupus
  • Chronic aches and pains (pain management)
  • Chronic tiredness / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Eating disorders
  • Cancer
  • General healing
  • Infertility

hypnosis therapy to quit smoking

Dysfunctional / Negative behaviors such as:

  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorders
  • Self hate / self harm
  • Low self-esteem
  • Low confidence level
  • Constant focus on negative thoughts leading to depression, chronic sadness, discontent, jealousy etc
  • Sexual dysfunction / Frigidity
  • Excess weight (Obesity)
  • Smoking addiction
  • Drug addiction

hypnosis therapy for anxiety

Fear / Anxiety related problems such as:

  • Anti-social behavior
  • All forms of fears & phobias
  • Stage and performance fright
  • Fear of public speaking
  • Examination anxietiespost
  • Mental preparations for pre and surgery / childbirth
  • Persistent self undermining behavior
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • All forms of irrational fears

hypnosis for career success

Peak performance:

  • At work
  • All sports
  • All performance related problems
  • Adopting positive mindsets

You can achieve the transformation and the emotional healing you have been looking for, for such a long time. Clinical Hypnotherapy is accepted as one of the safest and most effective psychological and behavioral modification technique known today.

Our Hypnotherapists

Lily Kong

Lily Kong is Country Director of Silva Method Malaysia and Health Essentials Asia Sdn. Bhd. She is a Certified Silva Method Instructor, licensed under Silva International, Inc. USA since 1996. She is honored to be given the privilege to be trained under Jose Silva, the founder of the world recognized Silva Mind Method programs.

Lily is also a practicing Clinical Hypnotherapist. She interfaces with people from all walks of life and ages. She had successfully facilitated the restoration of clients clinical conditions. Many of the success stories of clients with dysfunctional habits, anxiety, stress-related illnesses, pain management and personal development issues are testimonies to the clinic.

Since 1990, her work and experience in the field of brain-mind sciences had garnered her recognition from her peers. She has been guest speakers at many national and international conferences and business forums. She was a guest speaker at the World Conference organized by IFTDO (International Federation of Training Development Organizations) in 1997.

Clients consulted and trained by Lily range from senior directors, managers, business owners, working professionals, undergraduates and students. Amongst the list of satisfied clients are BenQ, OTEC, Vibracon, eLOCK, Khind Industries Bhd, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, ESSO, Victory Team, Natural Marketing, Aident Corporation Sdn. Bhd., Robert Bosch (SEA) Ltd.

Lily Kong has authored numerous audio books; "Empowering Dreams to Reality", "Creating Health & Healing" and "Breathe".

Lily Hor

Ms Lily Hor is a trained hypnotherapist. Using hypnosis in an ethical, safe manner she can help bring benefits to clients who wish to reduce stress, overcome anxiety, enhance work or sports performance, improve self-image, manage weight, stop smoking, get rid of unwanted habits or phobias, overcome insomnia and in general, modify behavioral responses.

She help clients draw up a personalised Therapy Plan which includes coping strategies, self-hypnosis, specific therapy techniques and leading a healthy lifestyle.

Today with hypnotherapy, she is able to "Empower Individuals" to move on and ahead.


  • Clinical Hypnotherapy


  • Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
  • EFT Practitioner
  • Consultations by appointments at Hospital Sungai Long and in Petaling Jaya and Kuala Lumpur therapy centers

Education & Training

  • BSc (Environmental Studies), UPM
  • Certificate in Clinical Hypnosis (LCCH)
  • Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis (LCCH)
  • Practitioner Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis (LCCH)
  • EFT Practitioner

Shuen Lim
The Mindfulness Coach
Helping people of all ages and all walks of life change

Shuen Lim's interest in Hypnotherapy was pique after learning Neuro Linguistic Programme (NLP) in 2002 with Beryl Comar while working in Dubai.

Since then this initial interest has deepened into a strong professional commitment for her in the related field of emotional behaviour, hypnotherapy and coaching. Having previously worked in multinational companies across Asia, she is no stranger to work stress environment challenges and different cultural sensitivities.

She advocates continuous education to develop her skills and deepening her knowledge for the benefit of her clients.

Besides her client-centric professional expertise, Shuen is trustworthy and compassionate, committed to helping people change their world for the better.

Shuen conducts her sessions in English and Hokkien.

Come contact her to how she can help you:

  • Achieve Emotional Freedom from issues
  • Addictions – smoking, compulsive eating, etc
  • Dental anxiety/ fears
  • Phobias
  • Empowering parents to help their children
  • Weight Management
  • Fertility counselling and coaching

Her Credentials

  • NFNLP Master Practitioner
  • Emotional Freedom Technique (Gary Craig)
  • Hypnodontics for Hypnotist
  • The Goulding SleepTalk® for Children
  • Silva Life System
  • Fertility Coaching & Counseling
  • Cognitive Behaviour Hypnotherapy
  • Practitioner in Clinical Hypnosis (LCCH)
  • Associated Certified Meta Coach (ACMC)


Bedwetting... Stay Dry finally after 12 years

I am a 13 year old teenager. All these years, I had something that I have kept to myself and family members. People may think that I am a normal teenager but actually there is something that not many know. As I have said only my family members and I know my problem. I wet my bed at night. This is a really embarrassing thing for me. My mom had tried many things and ways to help me. Sometimes, it caused stress on both of us, but none of them worked for long. I had thought that my problem could not be solved and just wanted to give up trying to overcome it. My mom kept praying that one day I will stop bed-wetting.

One day my mom took me to see a counselor / therapist named Ms. Lily Kong. That night I was very surprised because after 12 years wetting the bed for the first time I had woken up in the morning on a dry bed without having to be woken up a few times by my mom during the night. At that moment I thought I was dreaming but when I heard my sister calling me I knew it was true. That whole week after I saw Ms Lily, I was dry for most nights. However, I had a relapse and after that I was "on and off" for about a couple of months. There were dry nights and there were not so dry ones too. I went again for another session with Ms.Lily. She taught me many things mostly about being positive and how to manage people around me so that I don't get too sensitive unnecessarily or get affected by comments from others. I felt better in control of myself.

Around the same time, my mother also bought a type of energized water that helped me further. I drank it everyday and kept doing the programming that Ms Lily taught me. Before we knew it, I realized that I had been dry for a week, and then two weeks straight, then three, four and now it has been about six weeks and I have been almost completely dry except for 2 nights!. That is definitely an improvement. However, I still have to make sure that I ease myself before going to bed and avoid taking too much liquid before bedtime.

A. Ashari
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

From Risperidone to Seroquel, From Despair to HOPE

My son, Anthony, had been under medication for psychiatric disorder for 7 years.

Ever since Anthony was five years old, we noticed that he would keep to himself. He was not able to communicate with others and he could not look at anyone in the eye when talking to them.

By the age of 13 years, his condition had deteriorated to the point when he could not sleep and he would hallucinate and talk strangely. His studies suffered - he could not remember nor concentrate on his studies. He could not speak coherently. There was a time when he lost his voice for a period of 7 months.

He started to miss school on many occasions. He did not like going to school, so we took him out of school and he started home-schooling.

During this period of confusion, Anthony was always frustrated and angry. He felt life was unfair and he would take out his frustrations on his younger brothers. His delirious outbursts caused a lot of anguish and discord in the house, which lasted a few weeks. He was put under medication by the doctor and he calmed down. At times, over the next few years, he had relapses to unstable condition.

In October 2009, we decided to send Anthony for coaching with Lily. One year has passed. Today, Anthony is a changed person.

He is able to talk more and ask questions on a wide range of topics. He can remember factual details. Now and then, he will tell the family at the dining table what he learned. His older sister, Katherine recently told me that she was surprised that Anthony can retain facts so well. His relationship with his siblings has improved tremendously. He gets on well with his younger brothers. Whenever they quarrel, Anthony is able to get over it within a short time, and reconcile with his brothers soon after.

Anthony's studies have improved greatly and he can concentrate on his studies for 2 to 3 hours at a time. He can score well and is satisfied with his work most of the time. He has the extraordinary interest in studies and has the wish to excel in what he does. His handwriting has improved greatly as he gained self confidence and he writes neatly now.

Anthony has also gained social skills. He can talk normally to his brothers and others. He is learning to make new friends and to expand his social circle. He gets involved in the Church's youth group and recently started to attend the Heart Club at the Church as a volunteer. He has been giving tuition for English and Mathematics to a Standard 4 student for the last 1 year.

At times, he still lapses into negative thoughts and feeling sorry for himself. He would talk about what happened in the past. However, he would bounce back with renewed enthusiasm for his studies and be back to his normal self. Lily has helped Anthony regained his self confidence and self assurance. There is still a lot of work to be done in Anthony's life and in time, he will become self sufficient and be able to deal with any issues he may face in the future.

A Thankful Parent
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Freedom from guilt, drug addiction, depression & anger

I thank God that I found Lily Kong. Quite frankly, she has given my life & my family back to me. I struggled through life for 18 years with an addiction problem that I had kept secret from everyone, and the stress & depression of the burden was tearing me apart. I had severe mood swings and always felt guilty & angry but despite repeated attempts could not kick the habit. Willpower had nothing to with it, but rather it was my subconscious mind & unresolved emotional issues that kept dragging me back into bondage. I tried psychiatrists and went on anti-depressants & other medication but these didn't help much. The medication in fact became another source to get high.

A chance encounter with a doctor revealed that hypnosis and mental reconditioning can be very effective in treating addiction problems. I promptly contacted several hypnotherapists in Malaysia & Singapore for help. Most said it will take just a few sessions to "fix" my problem, but not Lily. Most of them didn't have experience with treating addictions and I felt that they thought it was just like getting someone to quit cigarettes. It is not and Lily had the experience to know that.

Lily made it very clear from the beginning that there were no quick fixes for an 18-year habit and that I would keep relapsing until I first addressed & resolved the underlying subconscious & emotional issues. She made it very clear that if I didn't want to commit whole heartedly to the recovery process then it would be a waste of her time and my resources.

She held up a light in the dark to guide my way towards understanding why my mind operated the way it did and why, despite knowing the risk that I could lose everything & could end up dead or in prison, I kept wanting to get high. Step by step she made me understand, and as that understanding grew, my recovery began and life became better.

I am still in treatment with Lily and I think I will still need her for some time to come. The road is long and there are many false paths, and I thank God I found Lily Kong to show me the way.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Self Confidence and Emotional Control

Since my 3 kids, Kevin 18, Leonard 12, Jason 9 went to the therapy sessions with Lily Kong, I have seen a difference in them . They are more self confident and able to express their feelings and ideas more coherently.

Leonard has some issues with anger and gets irritated with his siblings easily. He was taught at the session how to deal with his feelings and learn to control them . He wrote some affirmations and read them regularly. He still flared up at times but it lasted a shorter time and is not so affected by his emotions. He has made closer links with his classmates and invited them to come to the house to stay overnight. Through playtime, he has learned to improve his social skills and is happier as a result.

Kevin has learned more about why and how others reacted to him in a certain way. He used to be lonely without many friends and lacked social skills to make new friends. Through the sessions with Lily, he learned how he has to change his thinking and behaviour so that others can relate to him. His relations with the siblings and parents have improved and he has matured in some ways. He has started to have new friends and maintain the friendships in a positive manner.

Jason is sensitive to events around him and to people he is in contact with. He did not like going to school due to one teacher who scolded him for not doing his homework. At the therapy session, he learned how to deal with situations and to cope with events which happened around him. He gets on better with his classmates and teachers and is happier as a result.

There is still work to be done on them but I am confident that with Lily's help, they will continue to improve. Thanks a lot to Lily.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

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