Raise Your Adversity Quotient Workshop

Building Personal Resilience to Thrive Forward

Adversities are a part of life. There are increasing challenges, changes and adversities in everyone's life, and no one is exempted. The need for improved mental, physical and emotional resilience has never been greater, yet our ability to manage pressure seems to have declined.

The big questions are "How do I enhance my ability to respond to life’s complex and unpredictable eventualities as well as business changes and challenges? How do I build mental resilience to sustain my emotional health? How do I empower myself to forge ahead?"

The key to overcoming challenges lies in one's Adversity Quotient (AQ)

By understanding the concept of Adversity Quotient, we can better understand how and why we and others react to challenges and adversities, and cultivate emotional responsiveness and strong minds and own a significant advantage in all aspects of life.

Your ability to respond to adversity is a strong indicator of your ability to succeed in any endeavor.

Come and learn strategies and mind-tools to increase your Adversity Quotient - your own Personal Code – to develop mental strength, to make meaningful difference in realizing your goals, and solve problems, and claim your destiny.

Indeed, your future is in your hands. Be equipped and stay on top of the Game.

Course Contents


Module 1 : Adversities versus Challenges

  • What does Adversities mean?
  • Differentiate Adversities from Challenges.
  • Emotional resilience for the modern times.

Module 2 : Put your Mindset to work for you

  • Your performance mindset.
  • Difference between struggle and work.
  • Resilience & continued relevance.


Module 1 : Developing Emotional Self-Awareness

  • What is Emotional Awareness?
  • Why Emotional Awareness matters.
  • Appreciate the Nature of Emotions & Trapped Emotions.

Module 2 : Nurturing Emotional Intelligence & Well-being

  • Recognize & Harness the Power of Your Emotions.
  • Learn how to increase Emotional Intelligence.

Module 3 : Self-Mastery and Transformation

  • Appreciation of Stress.
  • Management of Emotions.
  • Maintenance of Emotional Balance.
    • Handling Emotions before they take a hold on you.
    • Understanding Anger & what is behind it.
  • Finding your voice & giving voice to others.
    • The Art of Expressing Emotions.

Module 4 : Practical Resilience

  • Mental Strength.
    • Endurance.
    • Stamina.
    • Mental Resilience & Adaptability.


Module 1 : Mind-Tools for Self-Renewal

  • Sleep: The Impact of Sleep on Alertness & Performance on the Job.
  • The Power of Alpha Functioning.
    • Enjoying the Alpha Experience.
    • The value of finding your Emotional Center.
    • Influence the sub-conscious mind for positive and lasting change.
    • Switch into Alpha Mode quickly to be at your best.
    • Energize yourself to stay awake and alert for longer period of time.

Module 2 : Mind-Tools for Transformation

  • Reality Checks.
  • Master the Growth Mindset.
  • Turning Obstacles into Opportunities.

Module 3 : Mind-Tools for Sustaining Your Competitive Edge

  • Meet Challenges with Clarity & Mental Calm.
  • Your Learning and Performance Edge.
  • Going Beyond.

Workshop Schedule

Date Malaysia Time Workshop Type Venue Action
No schedule at the moment. Please check periodically for updates.

Workshop Fees

Normal Rate
MYR 1,000


  • HRDF Claimable under SBL-Khas.
  • No cancellation; but we allow substitution if you are unable to attend.