Become a Goulding Method of SleepTalk Consultant

As a Goulding Method of SleepTalk Consultant, you will train parents or caregivers to assist children to develop emotional resilience, which protects against negative suggestions. You will be inspired by this training, and will experience the appreciation and concepts of this unique and dynamic child development tools.

It has been described as a "Powerful Process of Positive Parenting". The process enhances a child’s ability to take control of their decision making, develops attitudes of self-esteem and a confident self-image, and fosters positive behaviours. It also helps to develop the positive relationships that parents want with their children - relationships that can permeate through the entire family.

This process is a safe, ethical and non-intrusive process, very simple and easy to use, and is suitable for any family and lasts a lifetime. Many child healthcare professionals have been using the SleepTalk process for over 30 years.

sleep talk for children

Who Should Attend This Course

the goulding process
  • You are in the "helping professions" - Clinical hypnotherapist, health care worker, counsellor, Teacher, NLP practitioner, Psychologist, Nutritionist, Naturopath, Child care worker or similar
  • You are asked for advice from parents on children’s health and wellbeing
  • You have a keen interest in children's health
  • You have a passion about self-improvement and empowering others with tools for self-improvement
  • You believe that children’s development is key for future happiness and wellbeing
  • You recognise the importance that the parents role plays in this
  • You are a parent yourself and can see from first-hand experience how much tools and knowledge are needed and you want to be able to empower other parents with your knowledge
  • Continuing Professional Development (CPD) opportunity for the Association of Hypnotherapy Practitioners Malaysia (AHPM) members

Course Units


Learning Outcome 1: Analyse the framework of the Goulding process.

Learning Outcome 2: Discuss the therapeutic approach to resolving basic and primary issues and identifying brain wave frequencies.

Learning Outcome 3: Outline a frame of reference which will provide the desired changes in behaviour.

Learning Outcome 4: Document and record a 'Case History'.

Learning Outcome 5: Implement a process which will provide desired changes of behaviour in a child.


Learning Outcome 1: Identify 'Primary' areas of need for the individual child.

Learning Outcome 2: Implement a process to identify and provide desired changes of behaviour for the individual child.


Learning Outcome 1: Identify specific feedback.

Learning Outcome 2: Develop appropriate suggestions to ensure behaviour change.

Learning Outcome 3: Describe how nutrition affects the relationship between the body and the mind.


Upon successful completion of the course and the receipt of all assignment requirements, a certification as an accredited Goulding Method of SleepTalk for Children Consultant will be issued with an invitation to apply for your profile to be registered with the Goulding Method of SleepTalk Consultant International Register website.


The Goulding Institute has received accreditation as an approved training organisation with the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association (IMDHA) and the International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT).

The Goulding Institute is also a provider of quality Continuing Professional Education (CPE) courses and programs.

Goulding Method of SleepTalk certification are recognized by many professional associations and training organizations including:

  • Asociatia Romana De Hipnoza (Romania)
  • Australian Association of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy Inc. (AACHP)
  • Australian Counselling Association (ACA)
  • Australian Hypnotherapy Association (AHA)
  • Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists (ASCH)
  • Diabetes Research Association of America Inc. (USA)
  • Federation of Victorian Counsellors (FVC – Australia)
  • Hypnobirthing Birthing Institute (HBI – International)
  • International Association of Counseling Therapists (IACT)
  • International Hypnosis Federation (IHF)
  • International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association (IMDHA)
  • Minnesota Institute of Advanced Communication Skills Inc. (USA)
  • National Council of Psychotherapists (UK)
  • New Zealand Hypnotherapy Federation Inc. (NZ)
  • Professional Clinical Hypnotherapists of Australia (PCHA)
  • The Australian Academy of Hypnosis (TAAH)
  • The Australian Hypnosis Alliance (TAHA)
  • The Elman Institute (USA)
  • The Hypnotherapy Association (HA – UK)


"By hearing enough examples of positive and effective thoughts, delivered by a person with whom the child enjoys a close and loving relationship, the child can eventually discard negative feelings and self-defeating statements and replace them with powerful and useful ones. In this sense SleepTalk shares many parallels with a well recognised psychological therapeutic approach known as self-instruction or self-verbalisation."

Alex Bartsch, BA (Hons) Psychology
Director, Zenith Professional Development
(Corporate psychology consultant and former Victoria Police Homicide Squad Detective)

"Children deal with trauma in a different way to adults, often not able to express what they are feeling as a result of any trauma. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is one of the most debilitating anxiety disorders, creating a number of behavioural and emotional changes in children that, if not treated properly, stay with the child for the rest of his or her life. PTSD is formed when the unconscious mind is involved in death, disaster, rape or early physical danger. SleepTalk has been shown to be one of the most effective ways of treating such traumas in children, bypassing the normal communication methods and allowing the unconscious to let go of the intrusive thoughts, flashbacks and anger associated with such memories. Using strategies that the unconscious understands, SleepTalk forms a direct path to the parts of the memory holding high levels of anxiety and distress, encouraging the mind to reframe the original event and strengthening the self-image and an awareness of safety. With the parents involved in the process that awareness of safety is enhanced. I highly recommend SleepTalk for all anxiety disorders in children."

Gary Johnston. Psychotherapist and Clinical Hypnotherapist

"Initially I didn't think SleepTalk would have the potential to work on my 3 year old daughter; however after trying the technique I found my 3 year old to be calmer and more settled with her bedtime routine. The SleepTalk process was very easy to follow and manage. It has been a worthwhile contribution to my daughter's very healthy sleeping routine."

"I have been presenting the SleepTalk with my son who is 9 years of age for 6 months and I have a new boy! He's back to being my loving, caring and helpful son who has found his self-esteem and self-worth again. I am so proud of him and a huge believer in the SleepTalk miracle. It is amasing. Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou!!!"


Candidates will be required to complete a level 1 (Goulding Method of SleepTalk for Children Workshop) or one-to-one consultancy with approved consultant.

About Instructor

Beryl Comar

Beryl Comar

Upcoming Training Details

Date Time Venue
23-24 November 2024
(Saturday - Sunday)
9 am - 5 pm B-10-1, Northpoint, Mid Valley City
No. 1, Medan Syed Putra
59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

  • This certification program is Goulding Method of SleepTalk Trainnig Level 1 - 3
  • Health Essentials Asia reserves the right to change schedule/venue of event whenever deemed necessary.

Normal Registration Early Bird Discount Refresher Fee
MYR 4,900 MYR 3,900 MYR 2,500
  • Early Bird Discount : Registration with payment before 30-09-2024
  • Only graduates of this course are privileged for refresher fee.
  • No cancellation; but we allow substitution if you are unable to attend.