"I started Goulding Method of SleepTalk training with my two young daughters, aged 2 & 5, around 4 weeks ago.
I am thrilled with several changes I have noticed since beginning. My youngest has shown more
resilience in public, is adapting better to sharing, and to being left with other caregivers.
We have had significantly less temper outbursts. If an outburst does occur she is much more manageable.
No longer are they "stand offs" rather more about her requiring an explanation and or a rationalization
that makes sense to her. I am so proud of her and her advancements.
My oldest now runs into her classroom, where previously she cried and begged me not to send her 3 to 4
out of 5 days a week. She admits she now likes dance class, which she had previously resisted.
Most significantly she is requesting her pacifier (I know she’s 5, we are working on it, her pacifier
is literally her security blanket) only at bedtime or sporadically after school, previously she would
request them non stop while at home. I am also very happy to have taken proactive and potentially
preventative measures to help my children, before starting Goulding Method of SleepTalk training with the girls I was
completely unsure of how I could help them with some of their struggles. I fell very pleased to now be
able to provide them with the strength and self confidence they deserve. I too feel more confident,
knowing that I am giving them more then I previously was able to."
- Lorna S.